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Winners of International Smiles Art Contest 2016

Superhero Saves Teeth

Annually, Westcoast International Dental Clinic organizes smiles of arts contest in order to create dental awareness among children.

We added a little twist to this year’s contest and themed it as “Superhero Saves Teeth”. We received hundreds of beautiful artworks from international students all around HCMC and Hanoi. We were greatly surprised by the creativeness and talent that these children had put in their work.

The most challenging part of the contest was to decide our top winners. After a long and difficult selection process, we selected 3 artworks that stood out the most:

  • Grand prize Ipad Air 2 this year went to Trinh Khoa, Class 3K from European International School
  • 2nd place and Playstation 4 was won by Vo Ngoc Diep, Class 2B from American International School
  • 3rd place and Photo Camera was acquired by Joonwoo Lee, Class 2H from The ABC International School

Winners of Smiles Art Contest

Westcoast International Dental Clinic doctors and staff would like to thank all the children for beautiful artworks submitted. We will be looking forward to the new, creative entries for Smiles Art Contest next year as well.